Global Diaspora

  • Author: The Global Media Migration Academy
  • Level: Beginner
  • Time: 140 mins approx
  • Knowledge Tests: 3
  • Assessment: 3

Course description

Diasporas have been increasingly recognized as important agents of change, that influence development processes of the places of origin through economic and social remittances and the transfer of values, know-how and skills. In their places of residence, diaspora actors can create a safe space for migrants and refugees, in which they can articulate and share their stories and challenges to collectively find solutions. Reporting on diaspora, while having much in common with other migration topics, requires development of a specific lexicon and awareness of potential sensitivities specific to the diaspora topic. In this course, we introduce you to the concept of diaspora, discuss why diasporas are important and offer practical guidance on how to engage with diaspora actors and voices.

Course content

1. Knowledge Assessment 

2. Global Diasporas (3 Lessons)

L1. Who are Diasporas?

  • Brief historical overview of diaspora constructions
        - Evolution of the concept of diasporas
        - Diaspora community and identity 
        - Gender, diaspora and media 
        - Features of diaspora communities 
  • The role of media in the construction of diaspora identity and belonging 
  • Distinguishing diaspora from migrant 
  • Understanding diasporas in policy contexts  

L2. Why is/are Diaspora (s) important?

  • The size and growing voice of diaspora 
  • Diaspora capital in contexts of country of (ancestral) origin and country or residence
       - Reporting on Economic Capital

       - Reporting on Human Capital                               
       - Reporting on Cultural Capital                   
       - Reporting on Social Capital 

  • Diaspora transnational networks.
  • Diaspora transnational networks 
  • Summarizing the role of diasporas in development 

. Engaging with Diasporas Actors and Voices

  • Who are relevant diaspora actors
        - Collective- Diaspora organizations
        - Individual diaspora actors
  •  How to identify diaspora actors for your reporting Diaspora Media 
  • Engaging with diaspora voices

4. Knowledge Assessment

5. Evaluation

5. Exam / Certificate of completion

The Global Media Migration Academy

The Foundation Course consist of a series of diverse connected modules. 'Understanding migration' is the first module of a high standard educational programme developed by IOM.
Our rights-based course provides a global overview about the different trends, developments, policies and laws governing migration, as well as offering practical guidance for ethical, safe and effective migration reporting.It offers participants an understanding of the various aspects of migration, the media cycle and digital environment in the context of migration including online and social media; learning to understand statistics and use them to confirm and debunk information. Finally, it offers the opportunity to learn create compelling alternative and engaging stories on migrant and the migrant experience.