Data Journalism

This course will help you unlock the powerful world of data journalism to tell deep, insightful stories. You’ll learn to find, analyze, interpret and visualize data in compelling new ways.
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Duration: 105 mins
Lessons: 18


  • Lesson 1: Google Sheets: Scraping data from the internet
  • Lesson 2: Google Sheets: Cleaning data
  • Lesson 3: Google Sheets: Visualizing data
  • Lesson 4: Dataset Search Quickstart Guide
  • Lesson 5: Data Studio: Make interactive data visualizations
  • Lesson 6: Google Data GIF Maker
  • Lesson 7: Visualizing Data: Introduction to Tilegrams
  • Lesson 8: Visualizing Data: Advanced Tilegrams
  • Lesson 9: Flourish: Data Visualization Templates
  • Lesson 10: Public Data Explorer: Access a world of data
  • Lesson 11: Google Trends: See what's trending across Google Search, Google News and YouTube
  • Lesson 12: Google Trends: Understanding the data
  • Lesson 13: Google Trends: Improving search results
  • Lesson 14: Data Source: Global Forest Watch
  • Lesson 15: Data Source: Election DataBot
  • Lesson 16: Google Surveys: Gain insights
  • Lesson 17: Permissions: Source Google data
  • Lesson 18: Data Journalism: Take the Quiz
Course developed by:
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Google News Initiative
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We believe everyone, everywhere should be able to access a diversity of credible sources to get the information they need. That starts with a news industry that gives every community a voice. We believe everyone, everywhere should be able to access a diversity of credible sources to get the information they need. That starts with a news industry that gives every community a voice.