Reporting on Data

  • Author: The Global Media Migration Academy
  • Level: Beginner
  • Time: 2 hours
  • Quizzes:
  • Assessment: 2

Course description

Understanding how to use data is a vitally important skill for journalists. Data journalism serves two important purposes, namely (a) finding unique stories; and (b) executing a watchdog function. 
Data is also often also used as a 'weapon' in the spread of mis-and disinformation. Audiences are conditioned to trust numbers, so it's important to understand data to be able to debunk and call out false narratives. 
This module is aimed at introducing you to key concepts in data driven journalism and giving you basic data reporting and visualisation skills. You can begin lesson one below. 

Course content

1. Knowledge Assessment 

2. Reporting on Data (5 Lesson)

L1. Introduction to Data Driven Jour
  • What is data journalism?

  • Where has data driven journalism come from?

  • Why do we need to use data driven journalism?

  • What can we do with data?

  • What does data journalism look like?
  • How does it work, exactly, and what does data look like?

  • Types of data
  • What is the process of data driven journalism?

  • What kind of skills do I need in data journalism?

  • Knowledge check
L2. Migration, misinformation and the weaponization of 'bad' data
  • Fear of numbers and misunderstanding statistics
  • Visualisations and reinforcing messages
  • 'Weaponising' data and graphs
  • Data 'fake news' and social media
  • Tackling data misinformation and disinformation
  • Fact checking with migration data
  • Knowledge check 
L3. Skills for DDJ part one- summary statistics
  • Understanding how data is held and structured
  • What are we looking to find when analysing
  • Summary Statistics
  • Relationships, patterns, and outliners
  • Statistical significance
  • The power of data storytelling
  • Knowledge check

L4. Skills for DDJ part two-viz and mapping
  • What are visualisations in data storytelling
  • Why accuracy is paramount
  • The importance of visual literacy
  • Tupes of charts
  • Good examples of migration data visualisations
  • Things to watch out for when visualising data
  • Poor visualitions and misrepresenting data

L5. Official migration data and using the Migration Data Portal
  • Introduction
  • Tools for analysing data 
  • Tools for creating visualisations
  • What is the Migration Data Portal?

3. Knowledge Test
4. Evaluation

5. Exam / Certificate of completion
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The Global Media Migration Academy

The Foundation Course consist of a series of diverse connected modules. 'Reporting on Data' is the first module of a high standard educational programme developed by IOM.
Our rights-based course provides a global overview about the different trends, developments, policies and laws governing migration, as well as offering practical guidance for ethical, safe and effective migration reporting.It offers participants an understanding of the various aspects of migration, the media cycle and digital environment in the context of migration including online and social media; learning to understand statistics and use them to confirm and debunk information. Finally, it offers the opportunity to learn create compelling alternative and engaging stories on migrant and the migrant experience.