How to Navigate the Migration Data Portal
Webinar Series

The Global Migration Media Academy and the Global Migration Data Portal teams are joining forces to support journalists, media content creators, academics and other migration experts to improve their skills in consulting, analyzing and disseminating the latest migration statistics.
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Webinar 1: An Introduction to Migration Data.

During the first webinar, Asha Manoharan, Data Officer at IOM GMDAC, will give a comprehensive overview of the critical aspects of migration data, including but not limited to:

Data gaps and challenges
Data platforms
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Webinar 2:  The Migration Data Portal: A Tool for You!

During this webinar, Asha Manoharan, Data Officer at IOM GMDAC, zoom in on the Global Migration Data Portal as a key one-stop-shop of migration data and analysis. She will explain the main features of the Portal, and how it can help you increase the richness of your content and research through the data and visualizations found on the Portal. Additionally, participants will get hands-on exercises to use the Portal’s dashboard, which visualizes the latest migration-related statistics from 120 international and national indicators. The webinar will cover:

Search and compare data in the international data dashboard
Get 360-degree insights from migration data on topics and issues via thematic and spotlight pages
Search statistics in the national data section
Get the latest expert insights on the Portal Blog

Final Quiz and Certificate

"Migration is a fast-paced phenomenon, and media professionals need the latest data and trends to report on it accurately. The Migration Data Portal and the Global Migration Media Academy are essential resources for anyone interested in migration reporting."
Jorge Galindo, Communication Officer-IOM / Global Data Institute

Global Migration Data Analysis Centre

Migration Data Portal

Global Migration Media Academy